The 21st Century of today is rightly termed as the
knowledge-explosion century. Due to the advent of globalization
, the
21st century is witnessing rapid change and development in the fields
of science, social sciences and technology etc. Kherajkhat College came
into existence to impart quality education; to instill scientific
temper and creativity among the stakeholders. Kherajkhat College has a
vision to reach the unreached and impart excellent education. This
college has been instrumental in spreading higher education in this
rural and tribal centric area and moulding quality human resource for
the betterment of the society.



Culture & Sports

National Service Scheme

Computer Laboratory

Student Welfare Cell

Smart Class Room

Tutorial and Remedial classes

The Art of Living- Yoga
Principal's Message
Dr. Kalpana Goswami, Principal
"Education is not preparation of life, education is life itself."---John Dewey
We affirm that education begins at birth and continues through life. Our complete focus is to provide a
support center to our students so they continue learning and developing towards becoming whole and healthy individuals.
Our Vision is to create knowledge based human resource of our rural
and tribal community students equipped with scientific temper and making
them component and ethically strong future citizen who can successfully face
challenges in life and effectively contribute to the society. Aims of Kherajkhat College are to
provide scope for holistic development of the students through curricular and such co-curricular
activities as games and sports, music, cultural and literary activities and participation in social
welfare schemes.
Prime Mission of Kherajkhat College is to create bold
citizen of the society to impart modern technical education along with
spiritual education to the students of the Socio-economically backward
students of this locality in order to enable them in this globalised
scenario of the world.
M.A. Distance Courses
Two years M.A. (Post Graduate Course) Directorate of Open and Distance Learning of DU in the following subjects:
(i) Assamese, (ii) Economics, (iii) Education, (iv) English, (v) Political Science, (vi) Sociology
KKHSOU Courses
Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University: The KKHSOU Offers the following seven
Diploma, Degree and Certificate courses in distance mode.
(i) BBP, (ii)PGDCA, (iii) BA, (iv) BCA,
(v) CCA, (vi) DCHN, (vii) DCWE,(viii) DLIS